Welcome to our English 110 Website!

In this site, you will find all you need for this course. Use the menu on the left.

  • Content” page: Download/view all documents from our course.
  • “Calendar” pages: Download/view day-to-day goals and deadlines.
  • “Assignment” pages: Download/view major assignments descriptions.

Syllabus ( Read Online )

Grading Agreement ( Read Online | Download )

Course Details

Course NameEnglish 110
Course Section and Code NumbersB 20769
SemesterFall 2024
Classroom LocationNAC 5/111

Instructor Details

Name – Afsana Ahmed
Email – aahmed8@ccny.cuny.edu
Office Location – NAC 5/111
Office Hours Mon/Wed 12:00 -1:00 PM – NAC 6/215B